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Get 30% More Website Leads

Using 1 Proven, Simple Strategy

Are you tired of struggling to generate leads from your website? 😩

You are not alone.

30% of your website visitors should become leads for your business.

😅Phew! Don't worry. This webinar is going to help you!

It's 100% free.🤑

What do you have to lose?

Your Presenter

Cory York
CEO / Founder
Cory has over 20 years of experience building companies. He has started and grown two companies from zero to 14M dollars in annual revenue. He has grown teams to 350+ people during international expansion. Not only has he secured financing for multiple companies but he has raised venture capital and had a successful exit too. He has built partnerships with large brands like American Express and Shopify, helping launch into international markets. Cory’s expertise lies in business strategy, high performance team building, business models, crisis management, customer success strategies, digital marketing technologies and restructuring.
  • Profile
    Cory York
    CEO / Founder
    Cory has over 20 years of experience building companies. He has started and grown two companies from zero to 14M dollars in annual revenue. He has grown teams to 350+ people during international expansion. Not only has he secured financing for multiple companies but he has raised venture capital and had a successful exit too. He has built partnerships with large brands like American Express and Shopify, helping launch into international markets. Cory’s expertise lies in business strategy, high performance team building, business models, crisis management, customer success strategies, digital marketing technologies and restructuring.
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This webinar has helped me increase leads by over 400%, Cory's knowledge and easy-to-follow steps make this webinar SO VALUABLE. If you have a website and you finally want to generate leads - this is for you!!!
Ramona Melnichuk
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... our leads keep rolling in.
Peter Fairhead
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... lots of new clients who are finding me
  • Jeanette Abbot
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It has really taken the guesswork out for me
Jane Robertson